Digimon Tournament
Monday, 8/22 – 7:00pm
This is a constructed tournament played in swiss rounds. Prizing includes a custom Game Theory playmat and a full sealed box of Digimon X-Record for the winner, two Digimon booster packs in the prize pool per player, and promo cards for each participant. Official Digimon tournament rules can be found here. Entry is $15.
MTG Double Masters 2022 Draft
Friday, 8/26 – 7:00pm
Three boosters of Double Masters 2022 are provided for drafting, as well as the basic lands required to construct a 40-card deck. Prizing includes two Double Masters packs in the prize pool per player, a custom Game Theory playmat for the winner, and Double Masters Collector Boosters awarded by random drawing. Official Booster Draft rules can be found here. Entry is $60.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament
Saturday, 8/27 – 7:00pm
This is a constructed advanced format tournament played in swiss rounds. Prizing includes a custom Game Theory playmat and a choice of sealed Black Rose Dragon Tin or Power of the Elements booster box for the winner, 1.5 boosters in the prize pool per player, and two OTS packs for every participant. Official tournament rules can be found here. Entry is $10.